We have updated the list of 30+ independent escorts in Delhi. These escorts are hired recently and willing to go on a date for outstation so if you are planning to go on vacation with our independent escorts then you can avail these hot escorts in Delhi with us. These escorts come from different backgrounds and one thing is common that all these girls are new in this agency. These new independent escorts in Delhi are beautiful and educated; they live high-class lives so they want to earn money to maintain their living standards. These girls have an average age of 19 years old and these independent escorts come from a new generation so these girls are open-minded. These girls have good fitness and dress so they are not less than models. They do not need to do over makeup on their faces as these girls are already genuinely beautiful. Most of these girls have soft and long hair so that you can enjoy with them in bed. Long hair can be more attractive while doing doggy style because if you are fucking a girl from the back then you need something to hold and command that girl so long hair can be useful in doing sex doggy style.